Book Transfers
Initiate Book Transfer
Users can initiate book transfers to any approved connection in their client's address book. For accounts with single control, initiating the transfer will complete the transaction immediately. For accounts with dual control, the transfer will remain pending until a second user reviews and either approves or declines it. To initiate a book transfer, initiate a POST request directed at the following endpoint:
This request requires the additional data to be included in the body of the request.
Path Parameter Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
fromAccountId | string | source account from which funds are transferred |
toAccountId | string | destination account to which funds are transferred |
amount | double | amount of transaction |
internalMemo | string | null | memo text visible to client initiating transaction |
publicMemo | string | null | memo text visible to all parties of the transaction |
Example Request:
POST //transfers/v1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer ******
Content-Length: 172
"FromAccountId": "[ACCOUNT ID]",
"ToAccountId": "[ACCOUNT ID]",
"Amount": "1.00",
"InternalMemo": "internal memo",
"PublicMemo": "public memo"
A successful request will generate a response of 202 - Accepted
Example Response:
"id": "e9935b8b-2a32-42a9-b1c6-b1950141269c"
Error Handling:
Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
404 – Not Found
422 – Client Error
For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.
Purpose Codes
Users must select one Purpose Code when initiating a book transfer via UI or API. These codes are used for internal monitoring and reporting.
The Purpose Codes are as follows:
TRAD - Trade Settlement: USD related to this transfer are being sent to execute a trade agreement.
STBL - Stablecoin (Mint/Burn): USD related to this transfer are being sent to mint or burn a USD backed stablecoin.
SUBC - Subscriptions/Redemptions (Funds): USD related to this transfer are being sent to facilitate Investment Fund subscriptions and redemptions.
INTR - Intercompany: USD related to this transfer are being sent internally between client owned accounts.
OPEX - Operating Expenses: USD related to this transfer are being sent to pay operating expenses.
NODA - Non Digital Asset: USD related to this transfer are being sent for a Non-Digital Asset reason.
View Book Transfers
A user has the ability to view details for all book transfers within a specified date range. To view book transfer details, initiate a GET request directed to the following endpoint:
This request requires the additional data to be included in the query of the request.
Query Parameter Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | book transfer id |
period | string | |
fromDate | date-time | starting date |
toDate | date-time | ending date |
inStatus | array of string | status of transfer Can include any of the following: ApprovalRequested; Pending; Posted; Rejected; Declined |
paginateResults | boolean | indicates whether the request should be paginated |
page | int32 | indicates the page to return |
perPage | int32 | indicates how many items are on a page |
sortOn | string | indicates the attribute by which the data is sorted |
sortAscending | boolean | indicates if the data is sorted in ascending or descending order |
Example Request:
GET //transfers/v1?id=0ed99400-2303-4778-8983-b131014d7fe4 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer ******
A successful request will generate a response of 200 - Ok.
Example Response:
"pageSize": 100,
"pageOffset": 0,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalItemCount": 28,
"items": [
"id": "ea93eb66-69a4-4721-9d7c-b131014f1b72",
"accountId": "0ed99400-2303-4778-8983-b131014d7fe4",
"accountName": "5697302",
"counterParty": "Second UAT Bank",
"counterPartyAccountId": "59b8d79c-6303-40e0-ab36-b131014d900a",
"counterPartyAccountName": "8461408",
"sendingPartner": "Second UAT Bank",
"sendingAccount": "8461408",
"sendingAccountNumberLast4Digits": "1408",
"receivingPartner": "Second UAT Bank",
"receivingAccount": "5697302",
"receivingAccountNumberLast4Digits": "7301",
"amount": 1.00,
"transactionType": "Receive",
"status": "Posted",
"initiatingUserId": "e56dcdd1-6b14-457c-9fa1-648f3a41b78e",
"initiatingUserName": "Elijah Gold FA",
"initiatingUserEmail": "[email protected]",
"completedAt": "2024-03-12T20:20:08.2010812",
"sourceType": "Ui",
"createdAt": "2024-03-12T20:20:05.3134921",
"lastModifiedAt": "2024-03-12T20:20:08.2010836"
"id": "7472e35b-4f62-446f-887c-b131014f54d4",
"accountId": "0ed99400-2303-4778-8983-b131014d7fe4",
"accountName": "5697302",
"counterParty": "Second UAT Bank",
"counterPartyAccountId": "59b8d79c-6303-40e0-ab36-b131014d900a",
"counterPartyAccountName": "8461408",
"sendingPartner": "Second UAT Bank",
"sendingAccount": "5697302",
"sendingAccountNumberLast4Digits": "7301",
"receivingPartner": "Second UAT Bank",
"receivingAccount": "8461408",
"receivingAccountNumberLast4Digits": "1408",
"amount": 1.00,
"transactionType": "Send",
"status": "Posted",
"initiatingUserId": "e56dcdd1-6b14-457c-9fa1-648f3a41b78e",
"initiatingUserName": "Elijah Gold FA",
"initiatingUserEmail": "[email protected]",
"completedAt": "2024-03-12T20:20:56.2078526",
"sourceType": "Ui",
"createdAt": "2024-03-12T20:20:54.2780674",
"lastModifiedAt": "2024-03-12T20:20:56.2078547"
"id": "377b9700-e8dd-4927-bde0-b131014f67db",
"accountId": "0ed99400-2303-4778-8983-b131014d7fe4",
"accountName": "5697302",
"counterParty": "Second UAT Bank",
"counterPartyAccountId": "59b8d79c-6303-40e0-ab36-b131014d900a",
"counterPartyAccountName": "8461408",
"sendingPartner": "Second UAT Bank",
"sendingAccount": "5697302",
"sendingAccountNumberLast4Digits": "7301",
"receivingPartner": "Second UAT Bank",
"receivingAccount": "8461408",
"receivingAccountNumberLast4Digits": "1408",
"amount": 2.00,
"transactionType": "Send",
"status": "Posted",
"initiatingUserId": "e56dcdd1-6b14-457c-9fa1-648f3a41b78e",
"initiatingUserName": "Elijah Gold FA",
"initiatingUserEmail": "[email protected]",
"completedAt": "2024-03-12T20:21:12.6762121",
"sourceType": "Ui",
"createdAt": "2024-03-12T20:21:10.5079207",
"lastModifiedAt": "2024-03-12T20:21:12.6762142"
Response Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
pageSize | int32 | number of items displayed on a page |
pageOffset | int32 | offset index indicating starting point for page items |
totalPages | int32 | total number of pages |
totalItemCount | int32 | total count of items across all pages |
items | array of objects | null | items model |
> id | string | book transfer id |
> accountId | string | unique identifier of an account |
> accountName | string | null | name associated with account |
> counterParty | string | null | name of the counterparty |
> counterPartyAccountId | string | account id belonging to the counterparty |
> counterPartyAccountName / | string | null | account name belonging to the counterparty |
> sendingPartner | string | null | |
> sendingAccount | string | null | |
> sendingAccountNumber | string | null | source account number from which funds are transferred |
> receivingPartner | string | null | |
> receivingAccount | string | null | |
> receivingAccountNumber | string | null | destination account number to which funds are transferred |
> amount | double | amount of transaction |
> transactionType | string | type of transaction. Can be one of the following: Send; Receive |
> externalReferenceId | string | null | |
> internalMemo | string | null | memo text visible to client initiating transaction |
> publicMemo | string | null | memo text visible to all parties on the transaction |
> status | string | status of the transaction. Can be one of the following: ApprovalRequired; Pending; Posted; Rejected; Declined |
> declineReason | string | null | reason for declining transaction |
> inititatingUserId | string | null | id of user who initiated transaction |
> initiatingUserName | string | null | name of user who initiated transaction |
> initiatingUserEmail | string | null | email of user who initiated transaction |
> approvalUserId | string | null | id of user who approved transaction |
> approvalUserName | string | null | name of user who approved transaction |
> approvalUserEmail | string | null | email of user who approved transaction |
> approvedAt | string | null | date and time transaction was approved |
> completedAt | string | null | date and time transaction was completed |
> sourceType | string | source of transaction. Can be one of the following: Api; Ui |
> createdAt | date-time | date and time transaction was created |
> lastModifiedAt | date-time | date and time transaction was last modified |
Error Handling:
Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
403 – Forbidden
422 – Client Error
For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.
View a Specific Book Transfer
Similar to the prior request, a user can obtain the same level of information for a specific book transfer if they know the id of that transaction. To get information for a specific book transfer, initiate a GET request directed to the following endpoint:{id}
This request requires the additional data to be included in the body of the request.
Path Parameter Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | book transfer id |
Example Request:
GET //transfers/v1/e9935b8b-2a32-42a9-b1c6-b1950141269c HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer ******
A successful request will generate a response of 200 - Ok.
Example Response:
"id": "e9935b8b-2a32-42a9-b1c6-b1950141269c",
"accountId": "0ed99400-2303-4778-8983-b131014d7fe4",
"accountName": "5697302",
"counterParty": "Second UAT Bank",
"counterPartyAccountId": "59b8d79c-6303-40e0-ab36-b131014d900a",
"counterPartyAccountName": "8461408",
"sendingPartner": "Second UAT Bank",
"sendingAccount": "5697302",
"sendingAccountNumberLast4Digits": "7301",
"receivingPartner": "Second UAT Bank",
"receivingAccount": "8461408",
"receivingAccountNumberLast4Digits": "1408",
"amount": 1.00,
"transactionType": "Send",
"internalMemo": "internal memo",
"publicMemo": "public memo",
"status": "Posted",
"initiatingUserId": "4524928f-c28e-4cb0-93d8-307ad8447c9b",
"initiatingUserName": "Test User",
"initiatingUserEmail": "[email protected]",
"sourceType": "Api",
"createdAt": "2024-06-20T19:29:16.692429",
"lastModifiedAt": "2024-06-20T19:29:18.7630131"
Response Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | book transfer id |
accountId | string | unique identifier of an account |
accountName | string | null | name associated with account |
counterParty | string | null | name of the counterparty |
counterPartyAccountId | string | account id belonging to the counterparty |
counterPartyAccountName | string | null | account name belonging to the counterparty |
sendingPartner | string | null | |
sendingAccount | string | null | |
sendingAccountNumber | string | null | source account number from which funds are transferred |
receivingPartner | string | null | |
receivingAccount | string | null | |
receivingAccountNumber | string | null | destination account number to which funds are transferred |
amount | double | amount of transaction |
transactionType | string | type of transaction. Can be one of the following: Send; Receive |
externalReferenceId | string | null | |
internalMemo | string | null | memo text visible to client initiating transaction |
publicMemo | string | null | memo text visible to all parties on the transaction |
status | string | status of the transaction. Can be one of the following: ApprovalRequired; Pending; Posted; Rejected; Declined |
declineReason | string | null | reason for declining transaction |
inititatingUserId | string | null | id of user who initiated transaction |
initiatingUserName | string | null | name of user who initiated transaction |
initiatingUserEmail | string | null | email of user who initiated transaction |
approvalUserId | string | null | id of user who approved transaction |
approvalUserName | string | null | name of user who approved transaction |
approvalUserEmail | string | null | email of user who approved transaction |
approvedAt | string | null | date and time transaction was approved |
completedAt | string | null | date and time transaction was completed |
sourceType | string | source of transaction. Can be one of the following: Api; Ui |
createdAt | date-time | date and time transaction was created |
lastModifiedAt | date-time | date and time transaction was last modified |
Error Handling:
Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
403 – Forbidden
404 – Not Found
422 – Client Error
For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.
Approve a Book Transfer
Users with a control type set to Dual require a secondary review to either approve or decline a previously initiated transfer. The transfer will remain in a pending status until this secondary review is completed. To approve a book transfer, initiate a POST request directed at the following endpoint:{id}/approve
This request requires the additional data to be included in the body of the request.
Path Parameter Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | book transfer id |
Example Request:
POST //transfers/v1/e9935b8b-2a32-42a9-b1c6-b1950141269c/approve HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ******
Content-Length: 66
"IdempotencyKey": "b9a399cf-6ed3-424a-8dc1-d1f7004bac6b"
A successful request will generate a response of 202 - Accepted.
Example Response:
"id": "a6d27be0-d4f2-4ede-b6fc-b19501486229"
Error Handling:
Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
403 – Forbidden
404 – Not Found
422 – Client Error
For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.
Decline a Book Transfer
Users with a control type set to Dual require a secondary review to either approve or decline a previously initiated transfer. The transfer will remain in a pending status until this secondary review is completed. To decline a book transfer, initiate a POST request directed at the following endpoint:{id}/decline
This request requires the additional data to be included in the path and the body of the request.
Path Parameter Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | book transfer id |
Body Parameter Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
reason | string | null | reason for declining transaction |
POST //transfers/v1/7050e7f8-9aa5-4fe0-9a1f-b195014869ca/decline HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ******
Content-Length: 102
A successful request will generate a response of 202 - Accepted.
Example Response:
"IdempotencyKey": "65051972-351d-4b21-adeb-b3f97e304a70",
"Reason": "this is the reason"
"id": "7050e7f8-9aa5-4fe0-9a1f-b195014869ca"
Error Handling:
Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
403 – Forbidden
404 – Not Found
422 – Client Error
For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.
Updated about 2 months ago