Outgoing Wires
Initiate Wire
This endpoint allows users with the appropriate entitlements initiate outgoing wires.
This request requires the additional data to be included in the body of the request.
Body Parameter Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
amount | double | amount of transaction |
processDate | date-time | date transaction processed |
originatorAccountNumber | string | null | account number from which wire is originated |
receiverRoutingNumber | string | null | routing number of the receiving bank |
receiverName | string | null | name of the receiving bank |
intermediateIdCode | string | null | identifier code of the intermediate financial institution |
intermediateId | string | null | identifier of the intermediate financial institution |
intermediateName | string | null | name of the intermediate financial institution |
intermediateAddress1 | string | null | first line of the intermediate financial institution's address |
intermediateAddress2 | string | null | second line of the intermediate financial institution's address |
intermediateAddress3 | string | null | third line of the intermediate financial institution's address |
beneficiaryFIName | string | null | name of the beneficiary's financial institution |
beneficiaryFIAddress1 | string | null | first line of the beneficiary's financial institution |
beneficiaryFIAddress2 | string | null | second line of the beneficiary's financial institution |
beneficiaryFIAddress3 | string | null | third line of the beneficiary's financial institution |
beneficiaryFIIdCode | string | null | identifier code of the beneficiary's financial institution |
beneficiaryFIId | string | null | identifier of the beneficiary's financial institution |
beneficiaryName | string | null | name of the beneficiary |
beneficiaryAddress1 | string | null | first line of the beneficiary's address |
beneficiaryAddress2 | string | null | second line of the beneficiary's address |
beneficiaryAddress3 | string | null | third line of the beneficiary's address |
beneficiaryIdCode | string | null | identifier code of the beneficiary |
beneficiaryId | string | null | identifier of the beneficiary |
notes | string | null | notes or memo for the transaction |
Example Request:
POST //wires/v1/outgoing HTTP/1.1
Host: cubi-sandbox-api.customersbank.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ******
Content-Length: 939
"amount": "",
"processDate": "",
"originatorAccountNumber": "1003860",
"beneficiaryFIName": "Senger, Brown and Watsica",
"beneficiaryFIAddress1": "825 Grant Station",
"beneficiaryFIAddress2": "New Rozella",
"beneficiaryFIAddress3": "USA",
"beneficiaryFIIdCode": "F",
"beneficiaryFIId": "011000015",
"beneficiaryName": "Hattie Lubowitz",
"beneficiaryAddress1": "8152 Americo Mountains",
"beneficiaryAddress2": "Hintzshire",
"beneficiaryAddress3": "USA",
"receiverRoutingNumber": "011000015",
"receiverName":"Lowe, Moen and Feest",
"beneficiaryIdCode": "D",
"beneficiaryId": "42866860",
"notes": "bypassing Plastic",
"intermediateIdCode": "F",
"intermediateId": "113100570",
"intermediateName": "Tremblay, Wintheiser and Jerde",
"intermediateAddress1": "06576 Heathcote Plaza",
"intermediateAddress2": "Paoloside",
"intermediateAddress3": "CHINA"
A successful request will generate a response of 202 – Accepted.
Error Handling:
Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
422 – Unprocessable Content
For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.
View All Wires
A user has the ability to view details for all outgoing wires within a specified date range. To view outgoing wire details, initiate a GET request directed to the following endpoint:
This request requires the additional data to be included in the query of the request.
Query Parameter Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
inStatus | array of strings / / | status of transfer. Can be any of the following: Initiated; Pending; Accepted; Completed; Cancelled; Rejected; Returned |
fromDate | date-time | starting date |
toDate | date-time | ending date |
paginateResults | boolean | indicates whether the request should be paginated |
page | int32 | indicates the page to return |
perPage | int32 | indicates how many items are on a page |
sortOn | string | indicates the attribute by which the data is sorted |
sortAscending | boolean | indicates if the data is sorted in ascending or descending order |
Example Request:
GET //wires/v1/outgoing?paginateResults=true HTTP/1.1
Host: cubi-sandbox-api.customersbank.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer *****
Content-Length: 147
"inStatus": "pending",
"fromDate": "",
"todate": "",
"sortAscending": ""
A successful request will generate a response of 200 – Ok.
Example Response:
Response Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
pageSize | int32 | number of items displayed on a page |
pageOffset | int32 | offset index indicating starting point for page items |
totalPages | int32 | total number of pages |
totalItemCount | int32 | total count of items across all pages |
items | array of objects | null | items model |
> id | string | wire id |
> amount | double | amount of transaction |
> processDate | date-time | date transaction is processed |
> originatorAccountNumber | string | null | account number from which wire is originated |
> originatorName | string | null | name of the originator |
> originatorAddress1 | string | null | first line of the originator's address |
> originatorAddress2 | string | null | second line of the originator's address |
> originatorAddress3 | string | null | third line of the originator's address |
> receiverRoutingNumber | string | null | routing number of the receiving bank |
> receiverName | string | null | name of the receiving bank |
> intermediateIdCode | string | null | identifier code of the intermediate financial institution |
> intermediateId | string | null | identifier of the intermediate financial institution |
> intermediateName | string | null | name of the intermediate financial institution |
> intermediateAddress1 | string | null | first line of the intermediate institution's address |
> intermediateAddress2 | string | null | second line of the intermediate institution's address |
> intermediateAddress3 | string | null | third line of the intermediate institution's address |
> beneficiaryFIName | string | null | name of beneficiary's financial institution |
> beneficiaryFIAddress1 | string | null | first line of the beneficiary's financial institution |
> beneficiaryFIAddress2 | string | null | second line of the beneficiary's financial institution |
> beneficiaryFIAddress3 | string | null | third line of the beneficiary's financial institution |
> beneficiaryIdCode | string | null | identifier code of the beneficiary's financial institution |
> beneficiaryId | string | null | identifier of the beneficiary's financial institution |
> originatingUser | string | null | user name that originated wire |
> originatingUserId | string | null | user id that originated wire |
> notes | string | null | notes or memo for the transaction |
> submittedAt | date-time | date and time transaction was submitted |
> status | string | status of the transaction. Can be one of the following: Initiated; Pending; Accepted; Completed; Cancelled; Rejected; Returned |
> cancelledReason | string | null | reason transaction was cancelled |
> partnerId | string | client id |
> partnerName | string | null | client name |
> completedAt | date-time | date and time transaction was completed |
> cancelledAt | date-time | date and time transaction was cancelled |
> imad | string | null | sending bank trace number |
> fedWireId | int64 | unique identifier assigned by the Fedwire system |
> omad | string | null | receiving bank trace number |
Error Handling:
Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
422 – Unprocessable Content
For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.
View a Specific Wire
Similar to the prior request, a user can obtain the same level of information for a specific wire if they know the WireId of that transaction. To get information for a specific wire, initiate a GET request directed to the following endpoint:
This request requires the additional data to be included in the path of the request.
Path Parameter Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
wireId | string | wire id |
Example Request:
GET //wires/v1/outgoing/ HTTP/1.1
Host: cubi-sandbox-api.customersbank.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer *****
A successful request will generate a response of 200 – Ok.
Example Response:
Response Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | wire id |
amount | double | amount of transaction |
processDate | date-time | date transaction is processed |
originatorAccountNumber | string | null | account number from which wire is originated |
originatorName | string | null | name of the originator |
originatorAddress1 | string | null | first line of the originator's address |
originatorAddress2 | string | null | second line of the originator's address |
originatorAddress3 | string | null | third line of the originator's address |
receiverRoutingNumber | string | null | routing number of the receiving bank |
receiverName | string | null | name of the receiving bank |
intermediateIdCode | string | null | identifier code of the intermediate financial institution |
intermediateId | string | null | identifier of the intermediate financial institution |
intermediateName | string | null | name of the intermediate financial institution |
intermediateAddress1 | string | null | first line of the intermediate institution's address |
intermediateAddress2 | string | null | second line of the intermediate institution's address |
intermediateAddress3 | string | null | third line of the intermediate institution's address |
beneficiaryFIName | string | null | name of beneficiary's financial institution |
beneficiaryFIAddress1 | string | null | first line of the beneficiary's financial institution |
beneficiaryFIAddress2 | string | null | second line of the beneficiary's financial institution |
beneficiaryFIAddress3 | string | null | third line of the beneficiary's financial institution |
beneficiaryIdCode | string | null | identifier code of the beneficiary's financial institution |
beneficiaryId | string | null | identifier of the beneficiary's financial institution |
originatingUser | string | null | user name that originated wire |
originatingUserId | string | null | user id that originated wire |
notes | string | null | notes or memo for the transaction |
submittedAt | date-time | date and time transaction was submitted |
status | string | status of the transaction. Can be one of the following: Initiated; Pending; Accepted; Completed; Cancelled; Rejected; Returned |
cancelledReason | string | null | reason transaction was cancelled |
partnerId | string | client id |
partnerName | string | null | client name |
completedAt | date-time | date and time transaction was completed |
cancelledAt | date-time | date and time transaction was cancelled |
imad | string | null | sending bank trace number |
fedWireId | int64 | unique identifier assigned by the Fedwire system |
omad | string | null | receiving bank trace number |
Error Handling:
Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
404 – Not Found
422 – Unprocessable Content
For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.
Cancel Wire
In the event that a wire was initiated in error, a user may cancel the wire as long as it is still in a pending status. To cancel a wire, initiate a POST request directed to the following endpoint:
This request requires the additional data to be included in the path and the body of the request.
Path Parameter Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
wireId | string | wire id |
Body Parameter Data Element Details:
Name | Type | Description |
reason | string | reason for declining transaction |
Example Request:
POST //wires/v1/outgoing//cancel HTTP/1.1
Host: cubi-sandbox-api.customersbank.com
Authorization: Bearer *****
A successful request will generate a response of 202 – Accepted.
Error Handling:
Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
404 – Not Found
422 – Unprocessable Content
For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.
Updated 2 months ago