Incoming Wires

View All Wires

A user has the ability to view details for all incoming wires within a specified date range. To view incoming wire details, initiate a GET request directed to the following endpoint:

This request requires the additional data to be included in the query of the request.

Query Parameter Data Element Details:

fromDatedate-timestarting date
toDatedate-timeending date
paginateResultsbooleanindicates whether the request should be paginated
pageint32indicates the page to return
perPageint32indicates how many items are on a page
sortOnstringindicates the attribute by which the data is sorted
sortAscendingbooleanindicates if the data is sorted in ascending or descending order

Example Request:

GET //wires/v1/incoming?fromdate=11-05-2023&todate=11-10-2024 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ******

A successful request will generate a response of 200 – Ok.

Example Response:

Response Data Element Details:

pageSizeint32number of items displayed on a page
pageOffsetint32offset index indicating starting point for page items
totalPagesint32total number of pages
totalItemCountint32total count of items across all pages
itemsarray of objects | nullitems model
> idstringwire id
> amountdoubleamount of transaction
> beneficiaryAccountNumberstring | nullaccount number belonging to beneficiary
> isReturnbooleanindicates if this is a returned transaction
> originalWireIdstring | nulloriginal wire id in case of a return
> originatorAccountNumberstring | nullaccount number of the originator
> originatorNamestring | nullname of the originator
> originatorAddress1string | nullfirst line of the originator's address
> originatorAddress2string | nullsecond line of the originator's address
> originatorAddress3string | nullthird line of the originator's address
> typeSubtypestring | nulltype and subtype of the wire transaction
> receiverRoutingNumberstring | nullrouting number of the receiving bank
> receiverNamestring | nullname of the receiving bank
> notesstring | nullnotes or memo for the transaction
> partnerIdstringclient id
> imadstring | nullsending bank trace number
> omadstring | nullreceiving bank trace number
> completedAtdate-timedate and time transaction was completed
> beneficiaryFIIdCodestring | nullidentifier code of the beneficiary's financial institution
> beneficiaryFINamestring | nullname of the beneficiary's financial institution
> beneficiaryFIIdstring | nullidentifier of the beneficiary's financial institution
> beneficiaryFIAddress1string | nullfirst line of the beneficiary financial institution's address
> beneficiearyFIAddress2string | nullsecond line of the beneficiary financial institution's address
> beneficiaryFIAddress3string | nullthird line of the beneficiary financial institution's address
> beneficiaryIdCodestring | nullidentifier code of the beneficiary
> beneficiaryNamestring | nullname of the beneficiary
> beneficiaryAddress1string | nullfirst line of the beneficiary's address
> beneficiaryAddress2string | nullsecond line of the beneficiary's address
> beneficiaryAddress3string | nullthird line of the beneficiary's address
> intermediateIdCodestring | nullidentifier code of the intermediate financial institution
> intermediateIdstring | nullidentifier of the intermediate financial institution
> intermediateNamestring | nullname of the intermediate financial institution
> intermediateAddress1string | nullfirst line of the intermediate financial institution's address
> intermediateAddress2string | nullsecond line of the intermediate financial institution's address
> intermediateAddress3string | nullthird line of the intermediate financial institution's address
> originatorIdCodestring | nullidentifier code of the originator
> senderNamestring | nullname of the sender
> senderReferencestring | nullreference number provided by the sender
> beneficiaryReferencestring | nullreference information for the beneficiary

Error Handling:
Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
422 – Unprocessable Content

For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.

View a Specific Wire

Similar to the prior request, a user can obtain the same level of information for a specific wire if they know the WireId of that transaction. To get information for a specific wire, initiate a GET request directed to the following endpoint:{wireId}

This request requires the additional data to be included in the path of the request.

Path Parameter Data Element Details:

wireIdstringwire id

Example Request:

GET //wires/v1/incoming/[WIRE ID] HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ******

A successful request will generate a response of 200 – Ok.

Example Response:

Response Data Element Details:

idstringwire id
amountdoubleamount of transaction
beneficiaryAccountNumberstring | nullaccount number belonging to beneficiary
isReturnbooleanindicates if this is a returned transaction
originalWireIdstring | nulloriginal wire id in case of a return
originatorAccountNumberstring | nullaccount number of the originator
originatorNamestring | nullname of the originator
originatorAddress1string | nullfirst line of the originator's address
originatorAddress2string | nullsecond line of the originator's address
originatorAddress3string | nullthird line of the originator's address
typeSubtypestring | nulltype and subtype of the wire transaction
receiverRoutingNumberstring | nullrouting number of the receiving bank
receiverNamestring | nullname of the receiving bank
notesstring | nullnotes or memo for the transaction
partnerIdstringclient id
imadstring | nullsending bank trace number
omadstring | nullreceiving bank trace number
completedAtdate-timedate and time transaction was completed
beneficiaryFIIdCodestring | nullidentifier code of the beneficiary's financial institution
beneficiaryFINamestring | nullname of the beneficiary's financial institution
beneficiaryFIIdstring | nullidentifier of the beneficiary's financial institution
beneficiaryFIAddress1string | nullfirst line of the beneficiary financial institution's address
beneficiearyFIAddress2string | nullsecond line of the beneficiary financial institution's address
beneficiaryFIAddress3string | nullthird line of the beneficiary financial institution's address
beneficiaryIdCodestring | nullidentifier code of the beneficiary
beneficiaryNamestring | nullname of the beneficiary
beneficiaryAddress1string | nullfirst line of the beneficiary's address
beneficiaryAddress2string | nullsecond line of the beneficiary's address
beneficiaryAddress3string | nullthird line of the beneficiary's address
intermediateIdCodestring | nullidentifier code of the intermediate financial institution
intermediateIdstring | nullidentifier of the intermediate financial institution
intermediateNamestring | nullname of the intermediate financial institution
intermediateAddress1string | nullfirst line of the intermediate financial institution's address
intermediateAddress2string | nullsecond line of the intermediate financial institution's address
intermediateAddress3string | nullthird line of the intermediate financial institution's address
originatorIdCodestring | nullidentifier code of the originator
senderNamestring | nullname of the sender
senderReferencestring | nullreference number provided by the sender
beneficiaryReferencestring | nullreference information for the beneficiary

Error Handling:
Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
404 – Not Found
422 – Unprocessable Content

For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.