Loan Application

Submit an Application

Users have the ability to submit an application data API. Creating an application will initiate the approval process. If the process is successful the application will be converted into a loan. To create a new loan application in the system, a user can initiate a POST request directed to the following endpoint:

This request requires additional data to be included in the body and the header of the request.

Body Parameter Data Element Details:

platformReferenceNumberstring | nullReference number provided by the API caller. This value must be unique within the Program that the application is submitted under. Must be 36 characters long or less.
applicationDatedate-timeDate of the loan application. This can be different from the date that the loan application was submitted if the submission was not made at the time of the application
requestedLoanAmountdoubleThe amount of money that was requested
approvedLoanAmountdoubleThe amount of money that was approved
aprdoubleThe APR in a decimal format. An 18.5% APR should be submitted as 18.5
noteRatedoubleThe rate that exists on the note. An 18.5% rate should be submitted as 18.5
collateralCategorystring | nullA description of the category that any collateral belongs to
loanPurposestring | nullA description of the purpose of the loan
defaultProbabilitydoubleThe probability, as determined by the API caller, that the loan will default. This is a percentage and 18.5% should be submitted as 18.5
customRiskScorestring | nullA risk score that the API caller has established for the application/borrower(s). This is a text field and can be in any form the API caller desires
customGradestring | nullA grade that the API caller has assigned to this loan application. This is a text field and can be in any form the API caller desires
isMlaLoanbooleanIs the loan application governed by the Military Lending Act (MLA) (true; false)
ofacCheckedbooleanHave the borrowers and cosigners been OFAC checked by the API caller (true; false)
promotionDetailsobjectDetails about the promotion associated with a loan application. The object includes the following data:
> promotionMonthsint32The number of months that any promotion assigned to the application is valid for
> promotionExpiryDatedate-timeDate that any promotion assigned to the application will expire on
> promotionTypeDescriptionstring | nullDescription of any promotion that has been assigned to the application
PropertyDetailsobjectDetails about the property associated with the loan application. This is required if the program assigned to the loan application is for Home Improvement Loans. The object includes the following data:
> streetAddressstring | nullStreet Address of the property associated with the application. Must be 255 characters long or less
> citystring | nullCity of the property associated with the application. Must be 255 characters long or less
> statestring | nullState of the property associated with the application. Must be 2 characters long
> zipCodestring | nullZip Code of the property associated with the application
> cltvdouble | nullCombined loan-to-value (CLTV) ratio for the property
originationDetailsobjectDetails about the origination associated with the loan application. The object includes the following data:
> originationMontlyPaymentdoubleMonthly payment for the application. Must be greater than 0
> originationLoanTermint32Loan term for the application. Must be greater than 0
> originationMaturityDatedate-timeMaturity date for the application. This value must be in the future when compared to the date the api is being called on
> originationFeePercentagedoubleFee percentage for the application
> originationFeeAmountdoubleFee amount for the application. This amount is subtracted from the ApprovedLoanAmount to determine the maximum amount of funds that can be disbursed on an application
borrowersarray of objects | nullList of all borrowers. The objects(s) includes the following data:
> ssnstring | nullBorrower's SSN. This must be between 9 and 11 characters in length and in a valid SSN format
> fullNamestring | nullFull name of the borrower. Must be 255 characters long or less
> dateOfBirthdate-timeBorrower's date of birth. All borrowers must be between 18 and 120 years old on the loan application date
> annualIncomedoubleThis is a required field Annual income of the borrower.
> employerNamestring | nullBorrower's employer name
> emailAddressstring | nullBorrower's email address
> schoolNamestring | nullName of the post secondary school the borrower attended
> schoolOpeCodestring | nullThe Office of Post Secondary Education (OPE) code for the post secondary school the borrower attended
> schoolGraduationYearint32 | nullYear that the borrower graduated from their post secondary school
> degreeTypestring | nullType of degree the borrower received when graduating from post secondary school
> areaOfStudystring | nullArea of study for the degree the borrower received
> deceasedbooleanIndicates that the borrower is deceased (true; false)
> housingStatusstringOptions are: Own Rent
> streetAddressstring | nullStreet portion of the borrower's primary residence address. Must be 255 characters long or less
> citystring | nullCity portion of the borrower's primary residence address. Must be 255 characters long or less
> statestring | nullState portion of the borrower's primary residence address. Must be 2 characters long
> zipCodestring | nullZip Code portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> homePhoneNumberstring | nullBorrower's home phone number
> workPhoneNumberstring | nullBorrower's work phone number
> cellPhoneNumberstring | nullBorrower's cell phone number
> ficoScoreint32This is a required fieldBorrower's FICO score. Must be between 0 and 1000
> debtToIncomeRationdoubleThis is a required fieldBorrower's Debt to Income ratio. Must be between 0.00 and 100.00
cosignersarray of objects | nullList of all cosigners. The objects(s) includes the following data:
> ssnstring | nullCosigner's SSN. This must be between 9 and 11 characters in length and in a valid SSN format
> fullNamestring | nullFull name of the cosigner. Must be 255 characters long or less
> dateOfBirthdate-timeCosigner's date of birth. All cosigners must be between 18 and 120 years old on the loan application date
> annualIncomedoubleThis is a required fieldAnnual income of the cosigner.
> employerNamestring | nullCosigner's employer name
> emailAddressstring | nullCosigner's email address
> schoolNamestring | nullName of the post secondary school the cosigner attended
> schoolOpeCodestring | nullThe Office of Post Secondary Education (OPE) code for the post secondary school the cosigner attended
> schoolGraduationYearint32 | nullYear that the cosigner graduated from their post secondary school
> degreeTypestring | nullType of degree the cosigner received when graduating from post secondary school
> areaOfStudystring | nullArea of study for the degree the cosigner received
> deceasedbooleanIndicates that the cosigner is deceased (true; false)
> housingStatusstringOptions are: Own Rent
> streetAddressstring | nullStreet portion of the cosigner's primary residence address. Must be 255 characters long or less
> citystring | nullCity portion of the cosigner's primary residence address. Must be 255 characters long or less
> statestring | nullState portion of the cosigner's primary residence address. Must be 2 characters long
> zipCodestring | nullZip Code portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> homePhoneNumberstring | nullCosigner's home phone number
> workPhoneNumberstring | nullCosigner's work phone number
> cellPhoneNumberstring | nullCosigner's cell phone number
> ficoScoreint32This is a required fieldCosigner's FICO score. Must be between 0 and 1000
> debtToIncomeRatiodoubleThis is a required field.Cosigner's Debt to Income ratio. Must be between 0.00 and 100.00
programIdstringThe id of the program that this application is being submitted under. A list of programs available for the Partner is available by calling the GET /program API
loanAccountNumberstring | nullThe loan account number assigned to this application by the caller. This value must be unique within the Program that the application is submitted under. Must be 20 characters long or less
fundImmediatelyOnApprovalbooleanIndicates that this application should be immediately funded using the ImmediateFundingInstructions when it is approved and converted from an application to a loan. (true; false)
immediateFundingInstructionsarray of objects | nullList of funding instructions to be executed if the application is approved and the FundImmediatelyOnApproval flag is set to true. The object includes the following data:
> amountToFunddoubleThis is a required fieldAmount of money to disburse against the loan. Must be greater than 0
> routingNumberstring | nullThis is a required fieldRouting number of the account the funds are disbursing to. Must be between 1 and 10 characters long
> accountNumberstring | nullThis is a required fieldAccount number that the funds are disbursing to. Must be 255 characters long or less
> accountNamestring | nullThis is a required fieldThe name on the account that the funds are disbursing to. Must be 255 characters long or less
> accountTypestringOptions are: Checking Savings
> platformReferencenumberstring | nullThis is a required fieldReference number provided by the API caller. Must be 255 characters long or less

Headers Details

x-idempotency-keystringThis is a required field Format - uuid. Unique request identifier for idempotency. Example: 684fbf92-57db-47cd-bf6d-3641c2360005

Example Request:

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/*+json' \
     --header 'x-idempotency-key: B3C52CA2-15E8-4574-B8D1-9AC3AC0D3BCC' \
     --data '
  "propertyDetails": {
    "streetAddress": "742 Evergreen Terrace",
    "city": "Springfield",
    "state": "CT",
    "zipCode": "12345",
    "cltv": 113.4
  "originationDetails": {
    "originationMonthlyPayment": 123.44,
    "originationLoanTerm": 24,
    "originationMaturityDate": "2026-02-05 00:00:00",
    "originationFeePercentage": 1.33,
    "originationFeeAmount": 120
  "platformReferenceNumber": "fc47b2a2-6884-4d87-911e-b1bf010ea894",
  "applicationDate": "2024-02-05 10:00:00",
  "requestedLoanAmount": 1200,
  "approvedLoanAmount": 1100,
  "apr": 14.5,
  "noteRate": 14.5,
  "collateralCategory": "Vehicle",
  "loanPurpose": "House repair",
  "defaultProbability": 11.1,
  "customRiskScore": "66f",
  "customGrade": "8a",
  "isMlaLoan": false,
  "ofacChecked": true,
  "borrowers": [
      "ssn": "123-123-123",
      "fullName": "Home Simpson",
      "dateOfBirth": "1960-05-05 00:00:00",
      "annualIncome": 87454,
      "employerName": "Burns Power",
      "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
      "schoolName": "Power Trades University",
      "schoolOpeCode": "234",
      "schoolGraduationYear": 1981,
      "degreeType": "BSc",
      "areaOfStudy": "Physics",
      "deceased": false,
      "housingStatus": "Own",
      "streetAddress": "742 Evergreen Terrace",
      "city": "Springfield",
      "state": "CT",
      "zipCode": "12345",
      "homePhoneNumber": "555-555-5555",
      "workPhoneNumber": "555-555-7777",
      "cellPhoneNumber": "555-555-4444",
      "ficoScore": 800,
      "debtToIncomeRatio": 45.55
  "programId": "fc47b2a2-6884-4d87-911e-b1bf010ea894",
  "loanAccountNumber": "12358484",
  "fundImmediatelyOnApproval": true,
  "immediateFundingInstructions": [
      "amountToFund": 1000,
      "routingNumber": "12345",
      "accountNumber": "987654321",
      "accountName": "Home Simpson",
      "platformReferenceNumber": "765432"

A successful request will generate a response of 202 - Accepted

Example Response:

    "id": "3d269e9c-2cc5-404f-85f8-b213012eaaec"

Response Data Element Details:

idstringThe id assigned to the application
immediateFundingInstructionsarray of objects | nullList of all the immediate funding instructions that were received as part of this request. This includes the Platform Reference Number that was submitted and the Funding Instruction Id to allow the caller to link any webhooks about the funding instruction to this request. The object includes the following data:
> platformReferenceNumberstring | nullThe Platform Reference Number that was provided when the funding instruction was submitted
> fundingInstructionIdstringThe Funding Instruction Id that will be used in webhooks indicating changes in state to the funding instruction

Error Handling:

Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
401 – Unauthorized
403 - Forbidden
422 – Unprocessable Content
500 – Internal Server Error

For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.

View all Applications (with pagination)

A user has the ability to view details for all applications submitted. This endpoint includes pagination which allows a user to request a subset of applications. To view all application details, a user can initiate a GET request directed to the following endpoint:

This request requires query parameters to be included in the request.

Query Parameter Data Element Details:

paginateResultsbooleanindicates whether the request should be paginated
pageint32indicates the page to return
perPageint32indicates how many items are on a page
sortOnstringindicates the attribute by which the data is sorted
sortAscendingstringindicates if the data is sorted in ascending or descending order

Example Request:

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

A successful request will generate a response of 200 - Ok.

Example Response:

    "pageSize": 100,
    "pageOffset": 0,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "totalItemCount": 2,
    "items": [
            "id": "a360c386-b4aa-4be4-ac4d-b1bf010e44f7",
            "platformReferenceNumber": "ref2024-9876",
            "applicationDate": "2024-06-11T00:00:00",
            "requestedLoanAmount": 500000.00,
            "approvedLoanAmount": 500000.00,
            "apr": 12.45000,
            "noteRate": 12.55000,
            "loanAccountNumber": "HI1234-55",
            "collateralCategory": "Vehicle",
            "loanPurpose": "Bathroom reno",
            "defaultProbability": 1.44000,
            "customRiskScore": "3AAA",
            "customGrade": "3A",
            "mlaLoan": true,
            "ofacChecked": true,
            "promotionDetails": {
                "promotionMonths": 1,
                "promotionExpiryDate": "2024-05-30T00:00:00",
                "promotionTypeDescription": "No interest for 1 month"
            "propertyDetails": {
                "streetAddress": "1234 Possum Lane",
                "city": "Springfield",
                "state": "CO",
                "zipCode": "12345-9876",
                "cltv": 22.33000
            "programId": "a3cf82e1-14ff-477a-9459-b1bf010a1b8e",
            "applicationStatus": "Rejected",
            "borrowers": [
                    "id": "d8c6a2b1-4bab-47f2-8abb-b1bf010e4597",
                    "ssn": "123011234",
                    "fullName": "Fred Flinstone",
                    "dateOfBirth": "1955-07-10T00:00:00",
                    "annualIncome": 25000.00,
                    "employerName": "Burnside Factory",
                    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
                    "schoolName": "FSU",
                    "schoolOpeCode": "FSU",
                    "schoolGraduationYear": 1999,
                    "degreeType": "BSc",
                    "areaOfStudy": "Geology",
                    "deceased": false,
                    "housingStatus": "Rent",
                    "streetAddress": "1234 Possum Lane",
                    "city": "Springfield",
                    "state": "CO",
                    "zipCode": "12345-6789",
                    "homePhoneNumber": "888-123-4567",
                    "workPhoneNumber": "888-987-6543",
                    "cellPhoneNumber": "888-453-7869",
                    "ficoScore": 710,
                    "debtToIncomeRatio": 1.44000
            "cosigners": [
                    "id": "355eb3ff-4a7e-4132-a24f-b1bf010e4598",
                    "ssn": "777777777",
                    "fullName": "Barney Rubble",
                    "dateOfBirth": "1966-10-21T00:00:00",
                    "annualIncome": 25000.00,
                    "employerName": "NA",
                    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
                    "schoolName": "NA",
                    "schoolOpeCode": "NA",
                    "schoolGraduationYear": 1900,
                    "degreeType": "NA",
                    "areaOfStudy": "NA",
                    "deceased": false,
                    "housingStatus": "Rent",
                    "streetAddress": "1234 Possum Lane",
                    "city": "Springfield",
                    "state": "CO",
                    "zipCode": "12345-6789",
                    "homePhoneNumber": "888-123-4567",
                    "cellPhoneNumber": "888-453-1234",
                    "ficoScore": 710,
                    "debtToIncomeRatio": 1.44000
            "rejectionReasons": [
                    "processingDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:02.8",
                    "ruleName": "Application Approval - Approved Loan Amount",
                    "errorMessage": "Failed Loan Amount check"
            "originationDetails": {
                "originationMonthlyPayment": 100.00,
                "originationLoanTerm": 12,
                "originationMaturityDate": "2025-05-30T00:00:00",
                "originationFeePercentage": 11.23300,
                "originationFeeAmount": 200.00
            "fundImmediatelyOnApproval": true,
            "immediateFundingInstructions": [
                    "amountToFund": 5555.55,
                    "routingNumber": "434898736",
                    "accountNumber": "234588767",
                    "accountName": "Bob Loblaw",
                    "accountType": "Checking",
                    "receivedDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:01.7850276"
                    "amountToFund": 2812.44,
                    "routingNumber": "435001237",
                    "accountNumber": "8722838",
                    "accountName": "Sam Smith",
                    "accountType": "Checking",
                    "receivedDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:01.7852321"
                    "amountToFund": 1234.55,
                    "routingNumber": "987612345",
                    "accountNumber": "9987876",
                    "accountName": "Bob Johnson",
                    "accountType": "Savings",
                    "receivedDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:01.7852304"
            "id": "a64d4499-c0fd-408f-8db3-b1bf010eee8a",
            "platformReferenceNumber": "ref2024-9876",
            "applicationDate": "2024-06-11T00:00:00",
            "requestedLoanAmount": 24000.00,
            "approvedLoanAmount": 24000.00,
            "apr": 12.45000,
            "noteRate": 12.55000,
            "loanAccountNumber": "HI1234-55",
            "collateralCategory": "78 Impala",
            "loanPurpose": "New toilet",
            "defaultProbability": 1.44000,
            "customRiskScore": "3AAA",
            "customGrade": "3A",
            "mlaLoan": true,
            "ofacChecked": true,
            "promotionDetails": {
                "promotionMonths": 1,
                "promotionExpiryDate": "2024-05-30T00:00:00",
                "promotionTypeDescription": "1 month no interest"
            "propertyDetails": {
                "streetAddress": "7765 Main Street",
                "city": "Springfield",
                "state": "IL",
                "zipCode": "12345-9876",
                "cltv": 18.8800
            "programId": "a3cf82e1-14ff-477a-9459-b1bf010a1b8e",
            "applicationStatus": "Approved",
            "borrowers": [
                    "id": "0b16b9f5-b5d7-4a39-9656-b1bf010eee96",
                    "ssn": "123011234",
                    "fullName": "Jessie MacCailein",
                    "dateOfBirth": "1958-11-10T00:00:00",
                    "annualIncome": 25000.00,
                    "employerName": "Acme Widgets",
                    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
                    "schoolName": "FSU",
                    "schoolOpeCode": "FSU",
                    "schoolGraduationYear": 1980,
                    "degreeType": "BSc",
                    "areaOfStudy": "Mechanical Engineering",
                    "deceased": false,
                    "housingStatus": "Rent",
                    "streetAddress": "7765 Main Street",
                    "city": "Springfield",
                    "state": "IL",
                    "zipCode": "12345-9876",
                    "homePhoneNumber": "888-123-4567",
                    "workPhoneNumber": "888-987-6543",
                    "cellPhoneNumber": "888-453-7869",
                    "ficoScore": 710,
                    "debtToIncomeRatio": 1.44000
            "cosigners": [
                    "id": "03fc4e0b-8861-4ee7-87ee-b1bf010eee96",
                    "ssn": "777777777",
                    "fullName": "Katrina Gilchrist",
                    "dateOfBirth": "1961-03-13T00:00:00",
                    "annualIncome": 25000.00,
                    "employerName": "NA",
                    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
                    "schoolName": "NA",
                    "schoolOpeCode": "NA",
                    "schoolGraduationYear": 1984,
                    "degreeType": "NA",
                    "areaOfStudy": "NA",
                    "deceased": false,
                    "housingStatus": "Rent",
                    "streetAddress": "7765 Main Street",
                    "city": "Springfield",
                    "state": "CO",
                    "zipCode": "12345-9876",
                    "homePhoneNumber": "888-123-4567",
                    "cellPhoneNumber": "888-453-1234",
                    "ficoScore": 710,
                    "debtToIncomeRatio": 1.44000
            "rejectionReasons": [],
            "originationDetails": {
                "originationMonthlyPayment": 100.00,
                "originationLoanTerm": 12,
                "originationMaturityDate": "2025-05-30T00:00:00",
                "originationFeePercentage": 1.6100,
                "originationFeeAmount": 200.00
            "fundImmediatelyOnApproval": false,
            "loanId": "c58c02f4-ce15-40ca-a94a-4c5758e00c3c"

Response Data Element Details:

pageSizeint32Number of items displayed on a page
pageOffsetint32Offset index indicating starting point for pate items
totalPagesint32Total number of pages
totalItemCountint32Total count of items across all pages
itemsarray of objectsThe response object includes the following data:
> idstringThe application's Id
> platformReferenceNumberstring | nullPlatform Reference Number
> applicationDatedate-timeLoan Application Date.
> requestedLoanAmountdoubleThe amount of money that was requested
> approvedLoanAmountdoubleThe amount of money that was approved
> aprdoubleThe APR on the application
> noteRatedoubleThe rate on the application
> loanAccountNumberstring | nullThe loan account number on the application
> collateralCategorystring | nullThe category that any collateral belongs to
> loanPurposestring | nullA description of the purpose of the loan
> defaultProbabilitydoubleThe probability of default that was provided on the application
> customRiskScorestring | nullThe custom risk score provided on the application
> customGradestring | nullThe custom grade provided on the application
> mlaLoanbooleanThe Military Lending Act (MLA) status provided on the application
> ofacCheckedbooleanThe OFAC check status provided on the application
> promotionDetailsobjectDetails about the promotion associated with a loan application. The object includes the following data:
> > promotionMonthsint32The number of months that any promotion assigned to the application is valid for
> > promotionExpiryDatedate-timeDate that any promotion assigned to the application will expire on
> > promotionTypeDescriptionstring | nullDescription of any promotion that has been assigned to the application
> propertyDetailsobjectDetails about the property associated with the loan application. This is required if the program assigned to the loan application is for Home Improvement Loans. The object includes the following data:
> > streetAddressstring | nullStreet Address of the property associated with the application. Must be 255 characters long or less
> > citystring | nullCity of the property associated with the application. Must be 255 characters long or less
> > statestring | nullState of the property associated with the application. Must be 2 characters long
> > zipCodestring | nullZip Code of the property associated with the application
> > cltvdouble | nullCombined loan-to-value (CLTV) ratio for the property
> programIdstringThe Combined loan-to-value (CLTV) ration provided on the application
> applicationStatusstring | nullThe current status of the application in the ingestion and approval process
> borrowersarray of objects | nullList of all borrowers submitted on the application. The object includes the following data:
> > idstringThe id of the borrower that was included on the application. This is unique to this application. If the same borrower is included on many different applications, each of those borrower entries will have a different id value
> > ssnstring | nullThe SSN of the borrower
> > fullNamestring | nullThe full name of the borrower
> > dateOfBirthdate-timeThe date of birth of the borrower.
> > annualIncomedoubleThe annual income of the borrower
> > employerNmaestring | nullThe name of the borrower's employer
> > emailAddressstring | nullThe email address of the borrower
> > schoolNamestring | nullThe post secondary school the borrower attended
> > schoolOpeCodestring | nullThe Office of Post Secondary Education (OPE) code for the post secondary school the borrower attended
> > schoolGraduationYearint32 | nullThe year that the borrower graduated from their post secondary school
> > degreeTypestring | nullThe type of degree that the borrower received
> > areaOfStudystring | nullThe borrower's area of study in post secondary school
> > deceasedbooleanIndicates that the borrower is deceased
> > housingStatusstringOptions are: Own Rent
> > streetAddressstring | nullThe street portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> > citystring | nullThe city portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> > statestring | nullThe state portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> > zipCodestring | nullThe Zip Code portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> > homePhoneNumberstring | nullThe home phone number of the borrower
> > workPhoneNumberstring | nullThe work phone number of the borrower
> > cellPhoneNumberstring | nullThe cell phone number of the borrower
> > ficoScoreint32The borrower's FICO score
> > debtToIncomeRatiodoubleThe borrower's debt to income ratio
> cosignersarray of objects | nullList of all cosigners submitted on the application. The object includes the following data:
> > idstringThe id of the cosigner that was included on the application. This is unique to this application. If the same cosigner is included on many different applications, each of those cosigner entries will have a different id value
> > ssnstring | nullThe SSN of the cosigner
> > fullNamestring | nullThe full name of the cosigner
> > dateOfBirthdate-timeThe date of birth of the cosigner
> > annualIncomedoubleThe annual income of the cosigner
> > employerNamestring | nullThe name of the cosigner's employer
> > emailAddressstring | nullThe email of the cosigner
> > schoolNamestring | nullThe post secondary school that the cosigner attended
> > schoolOpeCodestring | nullThe Office of Post Secondary Education (OPE) code for the post secondary school the cosigner attended
> > schoolGraduationYearint32 | nullThe year that the cosigner graduated from their post secondary school
> > degreeTypestring | nullThe type of degree that the cosigner received
> > areaOfStudystring | nullThe cosigner's area of study in post secondary school
> > deceasedbooleanIndicates if the cosigner id deceased
> > housingStatusstringOptions are: Own Rent
> > streetAddressstring | nullThe street portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> > citystring | nullThe city portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> > statestring | nullThe state portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> > zipCodestring | nullthe Zip Code portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> > homePhoneNumberstring | nullThe home phone number of the cosigner
> > workPhoneNumberstring | nullThe work phone number of the cosigner
> > cellPhoneNumberstring | nullThe cell phone number of the cosigner
> > ficoScoreint32The cosigner's FICO score
> > debtToIncomeRatiodoubleThe cosigner's debt to income ratio
> rejectionReasonsarray of objects | nullList of any rejection reasons if the application was rejected and is in the Rejected Application Status state. The object contains the following data:
> > processingDatedate-timeThe date that the application processing occurred on. This value will in UTC
> > ruleNamestring | nullThe rule name that caused the failure
> > errorMessagestring | nullThe error message associated with the failing rule
> originationDetailsobjectDetails about the origination associated with the loan application. The object contains the following data:
> > originationMonthlyPaymentdoubleMonthly payment for the application. Must be greater than 0
> > originationLoanTermint32Loan term for the application. Must be greater than 0
> > originationMaturityDatedate-timeMaturity date for the application. This value must be in the future when compared to the date the api is being called on
> > originationFeePercentagedoubleFee percentage for the application
> > originationFeeAmountdoubleFee amount for the application. This amount is subtracted from the ApprovedLoanAmount to determine the maximum amount of funds that can be disbursed on an application
> fundImmediatelyOnApprovalbooleanIndicates that this application should be immediately funded using the ImmediateFundingInstructions when it is approved and converted from an application to a loan. (true; false)
> immediateFundingInstructionsarray of objectsList of funding instructions, that were submitted with the application, indicating what disbursements to perform if the Fund Immediately On Approval flag was set to true. The object contains the following data:
> > amountToFunddoubleAmount of money to disburse against the loan
> > routingNumberstring | nullRouting number of the account the funds are disbursing to
> > accountNumberstring | nullAccount number that the funds are disbursing to
> > accountNamestring | nullThe name on the account that the funds are disbursing to
> > accountTypestringOptions are: Checking Savings
> > receivedDatedate-timeThe name on the account that the funds are disbursing to
> > platformReferenceNumberstring | nullThe reference number provided by the API caller
> loanIdstring | nullThe loan id that this application is associated with. This value will be null if the application has not been processed or has been rejected

Error Handling:

Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
401 – Unauthorized
403 - Forbidden
422 – Unprocessable Content
500 – Internal Server Error

For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.

View a Specific Application

Similar to the prior request, a user can obtain the same level of information for a specific application if they know the Application Id of the transaction. To get information for a specific application, a user can initiate a GET request directed to the following endpoint:{id}

This request requires additional data to be included in the path of the request.

Path Parameter Data Element Details:

IDstringrequiredFormat - uuid. The application id to be retrieved

Example Request:

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

A successful request will generate a response of 200 - Ok.

Example Response:

    "id": "a360c386-b4aa-4be4-ac4d-b1bf010e44f7",
    "platformReferenceNumber": "ref2024-9876",
    "applicationDate": "2024-06-11T00:00:00",
    "requestedLoanAmount": 500000.00,
    "approvedLoanAmount": 500000.00,
    "apr": 12.45000,
    "noteRate": 12.55000,
    "loanAccountNumber": "HI1234-55",
    "collateralCategory": "Vehicle",
    "loanPurpose": "Bathroom reno",
    "defaultProbability": 1.44000,
    "customRiskScore": "3AAA",
    "customGrade": "3A",
    "mlaLoan": true,
    "ofacChecked": true,
    "promotionDetails": {
        "promotionMonths": 1,
        "promotionExpiryDate": "2024-05-30T00:00:00",
        "promotionTypeDescription": "No interest for 1 month"
    "propertyDetails": {
        "streetAddress": "1234 Possum Lane",
        "city": "Springfield",
        "state": "CO",
        "zipCode": "12345-9876",
        "cltv": 22.33000
    "programId": "a3cf82e1-14ff-477a-9459-b1bf010a1b8e",
    "applicationStatus": "Rejected",
    "borrowers": [
            "id": "d8c6a2b1-4bab-47f2-8abb-b1bf010e4597",
            "ssn": "123011234",
            "fullName": "Fred Flinstone",
            "dateOfBirth": "1955-07-10T00:00:00",
            "annualIncome": 25000.00,
            "employerName": "Burnside Factory",
            "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "schoolName": "FSU",
            "schoolOpeCode": "FSU",
            "schoolGraduationYear": 1999,
            "degreeType": "BSc",
            "areaOfStudy": "Geology",
            "deceased": false,
            "housingStatus": "Rent",
            "streetAddress": "1234 Possum Lane",
            "city": "Springfield",
            "state": "CO",
            "zipCode": "12345-6789",
            "homePhoneNumber": "888-123-4567",
            "workPhoneNumber": "888-987-6543",
            "cellPhoneNumber": "888-453-7869",
            "ficoScore": 710,
            "debtToIncomeRatio": 1.44000
    "cosigners": [
            "id": "355eb3ff-4a7e-4132-a24f-b1bf010e4598",
            "ssn": "777777777",
            "fullName": "Barney Rubble",
            "dateOfBirth": "1966-10-21T00:00:00",
            "annualIncome": 25000.00,
            "employerName": "NA",
            "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "schoolName": "NA",
            "schoolOpeCode": "NA",
            "schoolGraduationYear": 1900,
            "degreeType": "NA",
            "areaOfStudy": "NA",
            "deceased": false,
            "housingStatus": "Rent",
            "streetAddress": "1234 Possum Lane",
            "city": "Springfield",
            "state": "CO",
            "zipCode": "12345-6789",
            "homePhoneNumber": "888-123-4567",
            "cellPhoneNumber": "888-453-1234",
            "ficoScore": 710,
            "debtToIncomeRatio": 1.44000
    "rejectionReasons": [
            "processingDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:02.8",
            "ruleName": "Application Approval - Approved Loan Amount",
            "errorMessage": "Failed Loan Amount check"
    "originationDetails": {
        "originationMonthlyPayment": 100.00,
        "originationLoanTerm": 12,
        "originationMaturityDate": "2025-05-30T00:00:00",
        "originationFeePercentage": 11.23300,
        "originationFeeAmount": 200.00
    "fundImmediatelyOnApproval": true,
    "immediateFundingInstructions": [
            "amountToFund": 5555.55,
            "routingNumber": "434898736",
            "accountNumber": "234588767",
            "accountName": "Bob Loblaw",
            "accountType": "Checking",
            "receivedDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:01.7850276"
            "amountToFund": 2812.44,
            "routingNumber": "435001237",
            "accountNumber": "8722838",
            "accountName": "Sam Smith",
            "accountType": "Checking",
            "receivedDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:01.7852321"
            "amountToFund": 1234.55,
            "routingNumber": "987612345",
            "accountNumber": "9987876",
            "accountName": "Bob Johnson",
            "accountType": "Savings",
            "receivedDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:01.7852304"

Response Data Element Details:

idstringThe application's Id
platformReferenceNumberstring | nullPlatform Reference Number
applicationDatedate-timeLoan Application Date.
requestedLoanAmountdoubleThe amount of money that was requested
approvedLoanAmountdoubleThe amount of money that was approved
aprdoubleThe APR on the application
noteRatedoubleThe rate on the application
loanAccountNumberstring | nullThe loan account number on the application
collateralCategorystring | nullThe category that any collateral belongs to
loanPurposestring | nullA description of the purpose of the loan
defaultProbabilitydoubleThe probability of default that was provided on the application
customRiskScorestring | nullThe custom risk score provided on the application
customGradestring | nullThe custom grade provided on the application
mlaLoanbooleanThe Military Lending Act (MLA) status provided on the application
ofacCheckedbooleanThe OFAC check status provided on the application
promotionDetailsobjectDetails about the promotion associated with a loan application. The object includes the following data:
> promotionMonthsint32The number of months that any promotion assigned to the application is valid for
> promotionExpiryDatedate-timeDate that any promotion assigned to the application will expire on
> promotionTypeDescriptionstring | nullDescription of any promotion that has been assigned to the application
propertyDetailsobjectDetails about the property associated with the loan application. This is required if the program assigned to the loan application is for Home Improvement Loans. The object includes the following data:
> streetAddressstring | nullStreet Address of the property associated with the application. Must be 255 characters long or less
> citystring | nullCity of the property associated with the application. Must be 255 characters long or less
> statestring | nullState of the property associated with the application. Must be 2 characters long
> zipCodestring | nullZip Code of the property associated with the application
> cltvdouble | nullCombined loan-to-value (CLTV) ratio for the property
programIdstringThe Combined loan-to-value (CLTV) ration provided on the application
applicationStatusstring | nullThe current status of the application in the ingestion and approval process
borrowersarray of objects | nullList of all borrowers submitted on the application. The object includes the following data:
> idstringThe id of the borrower that was included on the application. This is unique to this application. If the same borrower is included on many different applications, each of those borrower entries will have a different id value
> ssnstring | nullThe SSN of the borrower
> fullNamestring | nullThe full name of the borrower
> dateOfBirthdate-timeThe date of birth of the borrower.
> annualIncomedoubleThe annual income of the borrower
> employerNmaestring | nullThe name of the borrower's employer
> emailAddressstring | nullThe email address of the borrower
> schoolNamestring | nullThe post secondary school the borrower attended
> schoolOpeCodestring | nullThe Office of Post Secondary Education (OPE) code for the post secondary school the borrower attended
> schoolGraduationYearint32 | nullThe year that the borrower graduated from their post secondary school
> degreeTypestring | nullThe type of degree that the borrower received
> areaOfStudystring | nullThe borrower's area of study in post secondary school
> deceasedbooleanIndicates that the borrower is deceased
> housingStatusstringOptions are: Own Rent
> streetAddressstring | nullThe street portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> citystring | nullThe city portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> statestring | nullThe state portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> zipCodestring | nullThe Zip Code portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> homePhoneNumberstring | nullThe home phone number of the borrower
> workPhoneNumberstring | nullThe work phone number of the borrower
> cellPhoneNumberstring | nullThe cell phone number of the borrower
> ficoScoreint32The borrower's FICO score
> debtToIncomeRatiodoubleThe borrower's debt to income ratio
cosignersarray of objects | nullList of all cosigners submitted on the application. The object includes the following data:
> idstringThe id of the cosigner that was included on the application. This is unique to this application. If the same cosigner is included on many different applications, each of those cosigner entries will have a different id value
> ssnstring | nullThe SSN of the cosigner
> fullNamestring | nullThe full name of the cosigner
> dateOfBirthdate-timeThe date of birth of the cosigner
> annualIncomedoubleThe annual income of the cosigner
> employerNamestring | nullThe name of the cosigner's employer
> emailAddressstring | nullThe email of the cosigner
> schoolNamestring | nullThe post secondary school that the cosigner attended
> schoolOpeCodestring | nullThe Office of Post Secondary Education (OPE) code for the post secondary school the cosigner attended
> schoolGraduationYearint32 | nullThe year that the cosigner graduated from their post secondary school
> degreeTypestring | nullThe type of degree that the cosigner received
> areaOfStudystring | nullThe cosigner's area of study in post secondary school
> deceasedbooleanIndicates if the cosigner id deceased
> housingStatusstringOptions are: Own Rent
> streetAddressstring | nullThe street portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> citystring | nullThe city portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> statestring | nullThe state portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> zipCodestring | nullthe Zip Code portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> homePhoneNumberstring | nullThe home phone number of the cosigner
> workPhoneNumberstring | nullThe work phone number of the cosigner
> cellPhoneNumberstring | nullThe cell phone number of the cosigner
> ficoScoreint32The cosigner's FICO score
> debtToIncomeRatiodoubleThe cosigner's debt to income ratio
rejectionReasonsarray of objects | nullList of any rejection reasons if the application was rejected and is in the Rejected Application Status state. The object contains the following data:
> processingDatedate-timeThe date that the application processing occurred on. This value will in UTC
> ruleNamestring | nullThe rule name that caused the failure
> errorMessagestring | nullThe error message associated with the failing rule
originationDetailsobjectDetails about the origination associated with the loan application. The object contains the following data:
> originationMonthlyPaymentdoubleMonthly payment for the application. Must be greater than 0
> originationLoanTermint32Loan term for the application. Must be greater than 0
> originationMaturityDatedate-timeMaturity date for the application. This value must be in the future when compared to the date the api is being called on
> originationFeePercentagedoubleFee percentage for the application
> originationFeeAmountdoubleFee amount for the application. This amount is subtracted from the ApprovedLoanAmount to determine the maximum amount of funds that can be disbursed on an application
fundImmediatelyOnApprovalbooleanIndicates that this application should be immediately funded using the ImmediateFundingInstructions when it is approved and converted from an application to a loan. (true; false)
immediateFundingInstructionsarray of objectsList of funding instructions, that were submitted with the application, indicating what disbursements to perform if the Fund Immediately On Approval flag was set to true. The object contains the following data:
> amountToFunddoubleAmount of money to disburse against the loan
> routingNumberstring | nullRouting number of the account the funds are disbursing to
> accountNumberstring | nullAccount number that the funds are disbursing to
> accountNamestring | nullThe name on the account that the funds are disbursing to
> accountTypestringOptions are: Checking Savings
> receivedDatedate-timeThe name on the account that the funds are disbursing to
> platformReferenceNumberstring | nullThe reference number provided by the API caller
loanIdstring | nullThe loan id that this application is associated with. This value will be null if the application has not been processed or has been rejected

Error Handling:

Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
401 – Unauthorized
403 - Forbidden
422 – Unprocessable Content
500 – Internal Server Error

For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.

View All Applications (without pagination)

A user has the ability to view details for all applications submitted. This endpoint does not allow for pagination and provides a complete list of applications for all time. To view all application details, a user can initiate a GET request directed to the following endpoint:

This request requires query parameters to be included in the request.

Query Parameter Data Element Details:

paginateResultsbooleanindicates whether the request should be paginated
pageint32indicates the page to return
perPageint32indicates how many items are on a page
sortOnstringindicates the attribute by which the data is sorted
sortAscendingstringindicates if the data is sorted in ascending or descending order

Example Request:

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

A successful request will generate a response of 200 - Ok.

Example Response:

    "pageSize": 100,
    "pageOffset": 0,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "totalItemCount": 2,
    "items": [
            "id": "a360c386-b4aa-4be4-ac4d-b1bf010e44f7",
            "platformReferenceNumber": "ref2024-9876",
            "applicationDate": "2024-06-11T00:00:00",
            "requestedLoanAmount": 500000.00,
            "approvedLoanAmount": 500000.00,
            "apr": 12.45000,
            "noteRate": 12.55000,
            "loanAccountNumber": "HI1234-55",
            "collateralCategory": "Vehicle",
            "loanPurpose": "Bathroom reno",
            "defaultProbability": 1.44000,
            "customRiskScore": "3AAA",
            "customGrade": "3A",
            "mlaLoan": true,
            "ofacChecked": true,
            "promotionDetails": {
                "promotionMonths": 1,
                "promotionExpiryDate": "2024-05-30T00:00:00",
                "promotionTypeDescription": "No interest for 1 month"
            "propertyDetails": {
                "streetAddress": "1234 Possum Lane",
                "city": "Springfield",
                "state": "CO",
                "zipCode": "12345-9876",
                "cltv": 22.33000
            "programId": "a3cf82e1-14ff-477a-9459-b1bf010a1b8e",
            "applicationStatus": "Rejected",
            "borrowers": [
                    "id": "d8c6a2b1-4bab-47f2-8abb-b1bf010e4597",
                    "ssn": "123011234",
                    "fullName": "Fred Flinstone",
                    "dateOfBirth": "1955-07-10T00:00:00",
                    "annualIncome": 25000.00,
                    "employerName": "Burnside Factory",
                    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
                    "schoolName": "FSU",
                    "schoolOpeCode": "FSU",
                    "schoolGraduationYear": 1999,
                    "degreeType": "BSc",
                    "areaOfStudy": "Geology",
                    "deceased": false,
                    "housingStatus": "Rent",
                    "streetAddress": "1234 Possum Lane",
                    "city": "Springfield",
                    "state": "CO",
                    "zipCode": "12345-6789",
                    "homePhoneNumber": "888-123-4567",
                    "workPhoneNumber": "888-987-6543",
                    "cellPhoneNumber": "888-453-7869",
                    "ficoScore": 710,
                    "debtToIncomeRatio": 1.44000
            "cosigners": [
                    "id": "355eb3ff-4a7e-4132-a24f-b1bf010e4598",
                    "ssn": "777777777",
                    "fullName": "Barney Rubble",
                    "dateOfBirth": "1966-10-21T00:00:00",
                    "annualIncome": 25000.00,
                    "employerName": "NA",
                    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
                    "schoolName": "NA",
                    "schoolOpeCode": "NA",
                    "schoolGraduationYear": 1900,
                    "degreeType": "NA",
                    "areaOfStudy": "NA",
                    "deceased": false,
                    "housingStatus": "Rent",
                    "streetAddress": "1234 Possum Lane",
                    "city": "Springfield",
                    "state": "CO",
                    "zipCode": "12345-6789",
                    "homePhoneNumber": "888-123-4567",
                    "cellPhoneNumber": "888-453-1234",
                    "ficoScore": 710,
                    "debtToIncomeRatio": 1.44000
            "rejectionReasons": [
                    "processingDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:02.8",
                    "ruleName": "Application Approval - Approved Loan Amount",
                    "errorMessage": "Failed Loan Amount check"
            "originationDetails": {
                "originationMonthlyPayment": 100.00,
                "originationLoanTerm": 12,
                "originationMaturityDate": "2025-05-30T00:00:00",
                "originationFeePercentage": 11.23300,
                "originationFeeAmount": 200.00
            "fundImmediatelyOnApproval": true,
            "immediateFundingInstructions": [
                    "amountToFund": 5555.55,
                    "routingNumber": "434898736",
                    "accountNumber": "234588767",
                    "accountName": "Bob Loblaw",
                    "accountType": "Checking",
                    "receivedDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:01.7850276"
                    "amountToFund": 2812.44,
                    "routingNumber": "435001237",
                    "accountNumber": "8722838",
                    "accountName": "Sam Smith",
                    "accountType": "Checking",
                    "receivedDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:01.7852321"
                    "amountToFund": 1234.55,
                    "routingNumber": "987612345",
                    "accountNumber": "9987876",
                    "accountName": "Bob Johnson",
                    "accountType": "Savings",
                    "receivedDate": "2024-08-01T16:24:01.7852304"
            "id": "a64d4499-c0fd-408f-8db3-b1bf010eee8a",
            "platformReferenceNumber": "ref2024-9876",
            "applicationDate": "2024-06-11T00:00:00",
            "requestedLoanAmount": 24000.00,
            "approvedLoanAmount": 24000.00,
            "apr": 12.45000,
            "noteRate": 12.55000,
            "loanAccountNumber": "HI1234-55",
            "collateralCategory": "78 Impala",
            "loanPurpose": "New toilet",
            "defaultProbability": 1.44000,
            "customRiskScore": "3AAA",
            "customGrade": "3A",
            "mlaLoan": true,
            "ofacChecked": true,
            "promotionDetails": {
                "promotionMonths": 1,
                "promotionExpiryDate": "2024-05-30T00:00:00",
                "promotionTypeDescription": "1 month no interest"
            "propertyDetails": {
                "streetAddress": "7765 Main Street",
                "city": "Springfield",
                "state": "IL",
                "zipCode": "12345-9876",
                "cltv": 18.8800
            "programId": "a3cf82e1-14ff-477a-9459-b1bf010a1b8e",
            "applicationStatus": "Approved",
            "borrowers": [
                    "id": "0b16b9f5-b5d7-4a39-9656-b1bf010eee96",
                    "ssn": "123011234",
                    "fullName": "Jessie MacCailein",
                    "dateOfBirth": "1958-11-10T00:00:00",
                    "annualIncome": 25000.00,
                    "employerName": "Acme Widgets",
                    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
                    "schoolName": "FSU",
                    "schoolOpeCode": "FSU",
                    "schoolGraduationYear": 1980,
                    "degreeType": "BSc",
                    "areaOfStudy": "Mechanical Engineering",
                    "deceased": false,
                    "housingStatus": "Rent",
                    "streetAddress": "7765 Main Street",
                    "city": "Springfield",
                    "state": "IL",
                    "zipCode": "12345-9876",
                    "homePhoneNumber": "888-123-4567",
                    "workPhoneNumber": "888-987-6543",
                    "cellPhoneNumber": "888-453-7869",
                    "ficoScore": 710,
                    "debtToIncomeRatio": 1.44000
            "cosigners": [
                    "id": "03fc4e0b-8861-4ee7-87ee-b1bf010eee96",
                    "ssn": "777777777",
                    "fullName": "Katrina Gilchrist",
                    "dateOfBirth": "1961-03-13T00:00:00",
                    "annualIncome": 25000.00,
                    "employerName": "NA",
                    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
                    "schoolName": "NA",
                    "schoolOpeCode": "NA",
                    "schoolGraduationYear": 1984,
                    "degreeType": "NA",
                    "areaOfStudy": "NA",
                    "deceased": false,
                    "housingStatus": "Rent",
                    "streetAddress": "7765 Main Street",
                    "city": "Springfield",
                    "state": "CO",
                    "zipCode": "12345-9876",
                    "homePhoneNumber": "888-123-4567",
                    "cellPhoneNumber": "888-453-1234",
                    "ficoScore": 710,
                    "debtToIncomeRatio": 1.44000
            "rejectionReasons": [],
            "originationDetails": {
                "originationMonthlyPayment": 100.00,
                "originationLoanTerm": 12,
                "originationMaturityDate": "2025-05-30T00:00:00",
                "originationFeePercentage": 1.6100,
                "originationFeeAmount": 200.00
            "fundImmediatelyOnApproval": false,
            "loanId": "c58c02f4-ce15-40ca-a94a-4c5758e00c3c"

Response Data Element Details:

idstringThe application's Id
platformReferenceNumberstring | nullPlatform Reference Number
applicationDatedate-timeLoan Application Date.
requestedLoanAmountdoubleThe amount of money that was requested
approvedLoanAmountdoubleThe amount of money that was approved
aprdoubleThe APR on the application
noteRatedoubleThe rate on the application
loanAccountNumberstring | nullThe loan account number on the application
collateralCategorystring | nullThe category that any collateral belongs to
loanPurposestring | nullA description of the purpose of the loan
defaultProbabilitydoubleThe probability of default that was provided on the application
customRiskScorestring | nullThe custom risk score provided on the application
customGradestring | nullThe custom grade provided on the application
mlaLoanbooleanThe Military Lending Act (MLA) status provided on the application
ofacCheckedbooleanThe OFAC check status provided on the application
promotionDetailsobjectDetails about the promotion associated with a loan application. The object includes the following data:
> promotionMonthsint32The number of months that any promotion assigned to the application is valid for
> promotionExpiryDatedate-timeDate that any promotion assigned to the application will expire on
> promotionTypeDescriptionstring | nullDescription of any promotion that has been assigned to the application
propertyDetailsobjectDetails about the property associated with the loan application. This is required if the program assigned to the loan application is for Home Improvement Loans. The object includes the following data:
> streetAddressstring | nullStreet Address of the property associated with the application. Must be 255 characters long or less
> citystring | nullCity of the property associated with the application. Must be 255 characters long or less
> statestring | nullState of the property associated with the application. Must be 2 characters long
> zipCodestring | nullZip Code of the property associated with the application
> cltvdouble | nullCombined loan-to-value (CLTV) ratio for the property
programIdstringThe Combined loan-to-value (CLTV) ration provided on the application
applicationStatusstring | nullThe current status of the application in the ingestion and approval process
borrowersarray of objects | nullList of all borrowers submitted on the application. The object includes the following data:
> idstringThe id of the borrower that was included on the application. This is unique to this application. If the same borrower is included on many different applications, each of those borrower entries will have a different id value
> ssnstring | nullThe SSN of the borrower
> fullNamestring | nullThe full name of the borrower
> dateOfBirthdate-timeThe date of birth of the borrower.
> annualIncomedoubleThe annual income of the borrower
> employerNmaestring | nullThe name of the borrower's employer
> emailAddressstring | nullThe email address of the borrower
> schoolNamestring | nullThe post secondary school the borrower attended
> schoolOpeCodestring | nullThe Office of Post Secondary Education (OPE) code for the post secondary school the borrower attended
> schoolGraduationYearint32 | nullThe year that the borrower graduated from their post secondary school
> degreeTypestring | nullThe type of degree that the borrower received
> areaOfStudystring | nullThe borrower's area of study in post secondary school
> deceasedbooleanIndicates that the borrower is deceased
> housingStatusstringOptions are: Own Rent
> streetAddressstring | nullThe street portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> citystring | nullThe city portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> statestring | nullThe state portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> zipCodestring | nullThe Zip Code portion of the borrower's primary residence address
> homePhoneNumberstring | nullThe home phone number of the borrower
> workPhoneNumberstring | nullThe work phone number of the borrower
> cellPhoneNumberstring | nullThe cell phone number of the borrower
> ficoScoreint32The borrower's FICO score
> debtToIncomeRatiodoubleThe borrower's debt to income ratio
cosignersarray of objects | nullList of all cosigners submitted on the application. The object includes the following data:
> idstringThe id of the cosigner that was included on the application. This is unique to this application. If the same cosigner is included on many different applications, each of those cosigner entries will have a different id value
> ssnstring | nullThe SSN of the cosigner
> fullNamestring | nullThe full name of the cosigner
> dateOfBirthdate-timeThe date of birth of the cosigner
> annualIncomedoubleThe annual income of the cosigner
> employerNamestring | nullThe name of the cosigner's employer
> emailAddressstring | nullThe email of the cosigner
> schoolNamestring | nullThe post secondary school that the cosigner attended
> schoolOpeCodestring | nullThe Office of Post Secondary Education (OPE) code for the post secondary school the cosigner attended
> schoolGraduationYearint32 | nullThe year that the cosigner graduated from their post secondary school
> degreeTypestring | nullThe type of degree that the cosigner received
> areaOfStudystring | nullThe cosigner's area of study in post secondary school
> deceasedbooleanIndicates if the cosigner id deceased
> housingStatusstringOptions are: Own Rent
> streetAddressstring | nullThe street portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> citystring | nullThe city portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> statestring | nullThe state portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> zipCodestring | nullthe Zip Code portion of the cosigner's primary residence address
> homePhoneNumberstring | nullThe home phone number of the cosigner
> workPhoneNumberstring | nullThe work phone number of the cosigner
> cellPhoneNumberstring | nullThe cell phone number of the cosigner
> ficoScoreint32The cosigner's FICO score
> debtToIncomeRatiodoubleThe cosigner's debt to income ratio
rejectionReasonsarray of objects | nullList of any rejection reasons if the application was rejected and is in the Rejected Application Status state. The object contains the following data:
> processingDatedate-timeThe date that the application processing occurred on. This value will in UTC
> ruleNamestring | nullThe rule name that caused the failure
> errorMessagestring | nullThe error message associated with the failing rule
originationDetailsobjectDetails about the origination associated with the loan application. The object contains the following data:
> originationMonthlyPaymentdoubleMonthly payment for the application. Must be greater than 0
> originationLoanTermint32Loan term for the application. Must be greater than 0
> originationMaturityDatedate-timeMaturity date for the application. This value must be in the future when compared to the date the api is being called on
> originationFeePercentagedoubleFee percentage for the application
> originationFeeAmountdoubleFee amount for the application. This amount is subtracted from the ApprovedLoanAmount to determine the maximum amount of funds that can be disbursed on an application
fundImmediatelyOnApprovalbooleanIndicates that this application should be immediately funded using the ImmediateFundingInstructions when it is approved and converted from an application to a loan. (true; false)
immediateFundingInstructionsarray of objectsList of funding instructions, that were submitted with the application, indicating what disbursements to perform if the Fund Immediately On Approval flag was set to true. The object contains the following data:
> amountToFunddoubleAmount of money to disburse against the loan
> routingNumberstring | nullRouting number of the account the funds are disbursing to
> accountNumberstring | nullAccount number that the funds are disbursing to
> accountNamestring | nullThe name on the account that the funds are disbursing to
> accountTypestringOptions are: Checking Savings
> receivedDatedate-timeThe name on the account that the funds are disbursing to
> platformReferenceNumberstring | nullThe reference number provided by the API caller
loanIdstring | nullThe loan id that this application is associated with. This value will be null if the application has not been processed or has been rejected

Error Handling:

Common errors will include:
400 – Bad Request
401 – Unauthorized
403 - Forbidden
422 – Unprocessable Content
500 – Internal Server Error

For guidance on troubleshooting error codes please consult the Error Code Handling section of this guide.